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✅ Yes, the content seems to be true and authentic, as reported by several sources.
These, include:
1. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trumps-definition-male-female-criticized-medical-legal-experts/story?id=117975718 - (Trust Score 8/10)
- President Trump issued an executive order declaring that the U.S. government would only recognize a person's sex assigned at birth, which has been criticized by medical and legal experts.
2. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/transgender-non-binary-history-1.7445447 - (Trust Score 7/10)
- Historians and experts argue that Trump's policy ignores both biological and historical reality, as humans have never fit into just two sexes or two genders.
3. https://www.aclu.org/news/lgbtq-rights/trumps-executive-orders-promoting-sex-discrimination-explained - (Trust Score 8/10)
- The executive order requires federal agencies to discriminate against transgender people by denying their identities and threatens the freedom of self-determination and self-expression for all.