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✅ Yes, the content seems to be true and authentic, as reported by several sources.
These, include:
1. https://www.govtech.com/education/k-12/ohio-to-require-computer-science-in-high-school (Trust Score 8/10) - Ohio to Require Computer Science in High School, detailing the legislation and its impact on Ohio's education system.
2. https://www.wosu.org/2025-02-27/computer-science-course-a-graduation-requisite-some-ohio-lawmakers-think-it-should-be (Trust Score 7/10) - Computer Science Course a Graduation Requisite? Some Ohio Lawmakers Think It Should Be, highlighting the efforts to make computer science a graduation requirement.
3. https://www.ohiohouse.gov/news/republican/reps-carfagna-duffey-introduce-bill-encouraging-computer-science-education-in-ohio-schools-90734 (Trust Score 8/10) - Reps. Carfagna, Duffey Introduce Bill Encouraging Computer Science Education in Ohio Schools, discussing the bill aimed at defining computer science standards in Ohio's school systems.