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These, include:
1. https://www.feedingamerica.org/about-us/press-room/fight-hunger-december-holiday-2024 - (Trust Score 8/10)
- Feeding America reports that national partners are supporting neighbors facing hunger during the holiday season, with several organizations like The Fresh Market, Hy-Vee, Pampered Chef, Southeastern Grocers, and Starbucks contributing to hunger relief efforts.
2. https://www.feedthechildren.org/our-work/stories/holiday-hardships-facing-hunger-during-the-season-of-joy/ - (Trust Score 7/10)
- Feed the Children highlights the rising number of food insecure households and the unique struggles families face during the holiday season, including financial stress and the high cost of seasonal meals.
3. https://ufbpc.org/the-importance-of-food-security-during-the-holidays/ - (Trust Score 8/10)
- The United Food Bank and Services emphasizes the importance of food security during the holidays, noting that food banks become a vital lifeline for low-income individuals and families who struggle to afford holiday meals due to financial strain and rising food prices.